Why HPY?

Using machine vision, advanced detection technology, and AI algorithms to manufacture industry leading sensor-based ore sorting machines.

HPY Technology has focused on its R&D and product innovation to create a diverse portfolio meant to provide a complete sensor-based ore sorting solution for over 30 different ore types. Ore sorting has been proven to provide both economic and environmental benefits to mining projects, while increasing the overall efficiency and productivity of the mineral processing system.

70+ Satisfied Clients

HPY Technology strives for sustainability and innovation

# 200+


Hear From Some Previous Clients

Geared Towards Excellence

Service Process

Since every mine is unique and each ore has a its own mineral makeup, we have made it our mission to provide you with excellent service and customized plans that result in the most efficient sorting with maximum economic and environmental benefits.


Pre-Analysis Phase

  1. Initial Online Meeting
  2. Technical Assessment
    1. Ore Characterization:
      • mineralogy
      • particle size distribution
      • onsite process flow
      • geological survey;exploration report
  3. Sample Preparation & Agreement
    1. experimental testing particle size, experimental requirements and expectations
    2. sample size

Testing Phase

  1. Laboratory Testing
    1. Raw Ore Analysis
    2. Imaging Analysis
    3. Chemical Analysis
    4. Experimental Testing
  2. Review and Optimization
  3. Analysis Report and Implimentation Plan

Operation Phase

  1. Installation
  2. Traning and Support
  3. Monitoring and Evaluation

Award Winning Ore Sorting Machines

Proven Technology and Stability

HPY has worked with over 100 different global mining customers and sold over 400 ore sorting machines . Our goal is to support the mining industry through innovation and our proven track record in helping mining companies achieve maximum benefits through sensor-based ore sorting.

Circle Series
Insight Series
Golden Coal Series
Classic Series

Become Part of the
Circular Economy

Using sensor-based ore sorting creates environmental benefits and have helped projects achieve recognition both at a government and social level for their transformation to be more green.

News & Media

Learn More About & Ore Sorting

Established in 2015, HPY Technology has vast experience in ore sorting and enhancing the performance of the process flow. Learn more from our team’s experience, projects, and innovation in sensor-based ore sorting. You can also see recent news here:
