On July 6, HPY Technology, one of the leading innovators in the field of ore sorting, was the sole representative in this area at the Kazakhstan Investment Promotion Seminar held in Beijing. This seminar, co-sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in China, and the China Overseas Development Association, saw the participation of more than 100 Kazakh companies from 17 different regions and over 150 representatives from various regions of China.

The seminar featured a wide array of sectors such as mining, metallurgy, transportation, construction, and defense industries, highlighting the diverse opportunities available for cooperation.

Speaking at the seminar, Marat Karabayev, the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of Kazakhstan, emphasised Kazakhstan's interest in collaborating with China. He provided an in-depth introduction to Kazakhstan's industrial system, expressing the country's potential for cooperation with China in numerous fields including iron ore processing, aluminum industry, copper industry, rare earths, and other rare metals.

HPY Technology seized this golden opportunity to initiate preliminary collaborations with several Kazakh companies on sensor-based ore sorting technology. This aligns perfectly with global concerns about non-renewable natural resources and the urgency of developing efficient methods for conservation to ensure the sustainability of the mining industry.

"HPY Technology is proud to participate in this high-level initiative that bridges businesses from China and Kazakhstan," said Fuzhong Huang, Central Asia Market Manager of HPY Technology. "We are committed to driving development and innovation with sensor-based ore sorting and are excited about the prospects of cooperation with our new partners."

The bilateral trade between China and Kazakhstan soared by 34% in 2022, hitting a record high of over 2.4 billion US dollars in the past 30 years. This seminar represents another milestone in fostering stronger economic ties and cooperation between China and Kazakhstan.

Looking ahead, HPY Technology will continue to extend its reach to countries along the Belt and Road Initiative and globally. The company is determined to provide fast, excellent service to all customers, regardless of their geographical location. The positive developments at the seminar reaffirm the commitment of HPY Technology to sustainable ore sorting technology and underline the company's pivotal role in global sustainable initiatives.

Kazakhstani representatives and Chinese representatives attended the Kazakhstan Investment Promotion Seminar